Pixel Font - COMPASS
A downloadable pixel font
Compass is a classic, fantasy, 9px tall pixel font - now new and improved!
TTF and PNG are included + Construct 3 SpriteFont data.
Suggested size: 12/24pts. Disable anti-aliasing.
Full Character Set:
[]{}~#&@©®™°^`|/\<>…€$£¢¿¡“”‘’«»‹›„‚·• ÀÁÂÄÃÅĄÆÇĆÐÈÉÊËĘĞÌÍÎÏİŁÑŃÒÓÔÖÕŐØŒŚŞẞÞÙÚÛÜŰÝŸŹŻàáâäãåąæçćðèéêëęğìíîïıłñńòóôöõőøœśşßþùúûüűýÿźżАБВГҐДЕЁЄЖЗИІЇЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгґдеёєжзиіїйклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя
Supported languages:
English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Hungarian, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian…
You can use and/or modify these assets for your own personal or commercial projects. You can't distribute or resell these assets by themselves. Attribution is not required, but would be appreciated.
In order to download this pixel font you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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Hello there,
I got my self a copy of your font. Looks great! But is there a way to use the font at 18px?
Hi!! I'm glad you like it. Pixel fonts (like pixelart in general) only looks "sharp" at specific sizes. For this font, you can use 12pt/24pt etc.
I could draw a custom bigger version if necessary!
First of all - thanks for the fast response! I’ve been mislead by the description of the font at the top of the page.
“Compass is a classic, fantasy, 9px tall pixel font - now new and improved! TTF and PNG are included + Construct 3 SpriteFont data.”
I thought it would be scaled by the factor of 9. ;) Thanks for clarification.
Any advice on a nice font of yours, wich works great as a font for headlines with Compass? ;)
The font is used in a dark dungeoncrawler setting ;)
ah yes, sorry, "9px tall" refers to the cap height!
How big should your fantasy header font be? Maybe I have something in my wip folder 👀
The standard paragraph is 24px … mhh i dont know maybe around 36, 48 or 72 px?? ( I’m pretty unsure about the size)
That sounds huge for a pixel font, but maybe I'm misunderstanding - you can send an email to info@somepx.com if you want (with more data and possibly a screenshot), I'll see what I can do. 😉
hello! do you have a font with a similar vibe but 8x8 max?
You could try Passage: it has a cap height of 7px! But mind: if you need to support non-English characters, 8x8 won't be enough.
EDIT: considering descenders, Passage won't fit an 8x8 grid without a few tweaks.
thanks for the recommendation – I already got passage!
the size is a hard constraint for pico-8 fonts :) I am used to cheating with descenders (like moving the character 1px up and deleting 1px from the descender), and for accents there’s a trick too (use a control code to overlay a separate ^/etc character on top)
Eheh, I figured it would be for a Pico-8 project. I did a few free versions of my designs for it.
You could try adapting Yolk too, it's free (and even tinier than Passage!):
We've been using Compass as the primary in-game font for our game Mushroom Musume, so seeing an updated version release was exciting! Thank you for your continued font-work~
Thanks!! I'm currently updating and polishing all my older font designs, I'm glad you're using Compass ☺️